How a high prevalence of human rights violations can negatively impact a community The prevalence of human rights violations remains an alarming reality. From political oppression to economic exploitation, these violations manifest in various forms, leaving indelible scars on individuals and communities alike. The impact of such transgressions extends far beyond the immediate victims, casting a shadow over the entire fabric of society.
Human rights violations negative impact on a community
It is important to always remember that human rights violations affect many more people than simply their direct victims within a community. The following can happen in a community if human rights are continuously being violated:
- more psychological, physical, and interpersonal problems for victims of human rights violations that, in their turn, influence the functioning of the surrounding social system.
- loss of confidence in the legal systems and structures within the community
- riots and social unrest as the members are taking the matters into their own hands
- encourages criminal activities
- corruption thrives in communities with a high prevalence of human rights violations