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Online Study Activities: Impact of Recent Legislations – Business Studies Grade 12


Online study activities have revolutionized the way students approach learning. With the advent of digital platforms, students now have access to a wealth of resources, including interactive lessons, virtual classrooms, and collaborative tools.

This shift towards online learning has been further propelled by recent legislations aimed at promoting digital education and accessibility. Recent legislations have introduced various changes that directly impact online study activities for Business Studies Grade 12 students.

Impact of Recent Legislations – Business Studies Grade 12

Skills Development Act:

The Skills Development Act was established in 1998 and aims to promote skills development in South Africa. This Act requires employers to contribute towards the Skills Development Fund, which is used to support training and development initiatives for employees. The Act also created the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), which are responsible for developing and implementing training programmes within specific sectors. The SETAs work closely with employers to identify their training needs and to provide funding for training programmes.

Labour Relations Act:

The Labour Relations Act regulates the relationship between employers and employees in South Africa. This Act outlines the rights of employers and employees and provides guidelines for resolving disputes between the two parties. The Act also establishes the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), which is responsible for resolving disputes between employers and employees.

Employment Equity Act:

The Employment Equity Act was established in 1998 and aims to promote equity in the workplace. This Act requires employers to eliminate unfair discrimination in the workplace and to implement affirmative action measures to promote the employment of previously disadvantaged individuals. The Act also requires employers to submit annual reports on their progress towards achieving employment equity.

Basic Conditions of Employment Act:

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act outlines the minimum conditions of employment that employers must provide to their employees. This Act covers areas such as working hours, leave, and remuneration. The Act also provides guidelines for the termination of employment contracts and the resolution of disputes between employers and employees.

Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act:

The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act provides compensation to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. This Act requires employers to register with the Compensation Fund and to contribute towards it. The Fund provides compensation to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work.

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act:

The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act was established in 2003 and aims to promote economic transformation in South Africa. This Act requires companies to implement strategies to promote the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals in the economy. The Act provides guidelines for the implementation of broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) initiatives.

Differences between BEE and BBBEE:

BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) refers to initiatives that promote the participation of black individuals in the economy. BBBEE (Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment) refers to initiatives that promote the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals, including black individuals, women, and people with disabilities.

Application of the Five BBBEE Pillars:

The Five BBBEE Pillars are ownership, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development, and socio-economic development. These pillars provide a framework for the implementation of BBBEE initiatives.

National Credit Act and Consumer Protection Act:

The National Credit Act regulates the granting of credit in South Africa and aims to protect consumers from unfair lending practices. The Act provides guidelines for the granting of credit, the collection of debt, and the resolution of disputes between creditors and debtors. The Consumer Protection Act provides guidelines for the protection of consumers in South Africa. The Act outlines the rights of consumers and provides guidelines for the resolution of disputes between consumers and suppliers.

Online Study Activities: Impact of Recent Legislation

Online Study Activities: Impact of Recent Legislation:

Scenario 1:

Q: If a company wants to implement affirmative action measures to promote the employment of previously disadvantaged individuals, which Act would they need to comply with?

A: The company would need to comply with the Employment Equity Act. This Act requires employers to eliminate unfair discrimination in the workplace and to implement affirmative action measures to promote the employment of previously disadvantaged individuals.

Scenario 2:

Q: An employee is injured at work and is unable to continue working. Which Act would provide compensation to the employee?

A: The Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act would provide compensation to the employee. This Act provides compensation to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work.

Scenario 3:

Q: An employer wants to train their employees to improve their skills. Which Act would provide funding for training programmes?

A: The Skills Development Act would provide funding for training programmes. This Act requires employers to contribute towards the Skills Development Fund, which is used to support training and development initiatives for employees. The Act also created the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), which are responsible for developing and implementing training programmes within specific sectors.

Scenario 4:

Q: A company wants to promote the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals in the economy. Which Act would provide guidelines for the implementation of broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) initiatives?

A: The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act would provide guidelines for the implementation of BBBEE initiatives. This Act was established in 2003 and aims to promote economic transformation in South Africa. The Act requires companies to implement strategies to promote the participation of previously disadvantaged individuals in the economy.

Scenario 5:

Q: An employee feels that they have been unfairly dismissed from their job. Which Act would provide guidelines for the resolution of disputes between employers and employees?

A: The Labour Relations Act would provide guidelines for the resolution of disputes between employers and employees. This Act regulates the relationship between employers and employees in South Africa and provides guidelines for resolving disputes between the two parties. The Act also establishes the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), which is responsible for resolving disputes between employers and employees.

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