Business Studies at the Grade 12 level encompasses a wide array of topics, ranging from entrepreneurship and marketing to finance and economics. The notes compiled for this subject are meticulously crafted to cover these diverse areas in depth, providing students with a holistic understanding of the business landscape.
These notes are not only tailored to meet curriculum requirements but also designed to foster critical thinking and analytical skills among students.
The Four Main Topics of Business Studies
Business Environment (Weighting 25%)
- Micro, market and macro environments
- Business sectors
- Contemporary socioeconomic issues
Business Venture (Weighting 25%)
- Entrepreneurship
- Business opportunity and related factors
- Business Plan
- Management and Leadership
- Forms of ownership
- Setting up a business
- Contracts
- Business location
- Investment: securities and insurance
- Presentation of business information
Business Role (Weighting 25%)
- Creative thinking and problem-solving
- Self-management, professionalism and ethics
- Human rights, inclusivity and environmental issues
- Social Responsibility
- Stress, crisis, change and conflict management
- Relationship and team performance
Business Operation (Weighting 25%)
- Business functions
- Quality of performance
Learners Resources Material for Business Studies Grade 12
- This document should serve as a guide and does not replace any CAPS policy documents, was developed for KZN Business Studies grade 12 teachers and learners.
- The content/notes are aligned to Examination Guidelines (2020).
- The NOTES provided in this document have been compiled by GAUTENG Department of Education.
- Previous NSC & SCE papers, textbooks, study guides, examination guidelines and other sources relevant to the subject were used.
- Textbooks, examination guidelines, study guides and all other relevant CAPS documents should be used together with this document.
Business Studies Grade 12 Revision Booklet for 2020 Term 2
This revision program is designed to assist you in revising the critical content and skills covered during the 2nd term. The purpose is to prepare you to understand the key concepts and to provide you with an opportunity to establish the required standard and the application of the knowledge necessary to succeed in the NCS examination.
The revision program covers the following topics:
- Business Sectors
- Quality of Performance
- Management & Leadership
- Investment: Securities
- Investment: Insurance
- Team Performance & Conflict Management
Download the notes here